Paul Rumsey Photography

Friday, 4 March 2011

Astronomy -5:30 am Observations 30th Jan

Daughter woke us up with bad dream at 05:30.  I looked out and it was the perfect starry night.  Low light pollution and not minimal wind-chill.  Temp was around freezing or slightly below. Got the Dobsonian together really fast and went out. Saturn was the best to date you could make out the shadows of the rings on the planet.  It was too late for deep sky work as dawn was breaking an earlier start would have provided spectacular views.  However I did not go to bed until 01:30 hoping for early clear skies which never came.

I stopped looking at Saturn and when I pulled back the ISS was gliding silently overhead too fast to get the scope on and eyepieces changed. Observing with the eye revealed  a little detail you could just start to tell the shape.  Very bright and very cool to see it gliding across the sky.  This was not the only bright object a view East revealed the moon and Venus very bright and directly above the moon. unfortunately viewing East is blocked by the house so getting the scope to look here is not practical.
Here are some unprocessed shots taken this morning.

Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest: Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest:
Saturn is the second largest planet and is about 170,000,000 miles away from Earth. So not a bad picture considering the distance.

Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest:

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