Paul Rumsey Photography

Friday, 4 March 2011

Paul Rumsey's Poorman Photography Tips - Cleaning your DSLR

My Nikon D60 is getting dirty when I change the lenses while out and about but I have found that with a moderate investment buying say a  Air Blower  which is effectively a ball you squeeze and shoots a blast of air.  I can save a small fortune on what it would cost to have it professionally cleaned.

Cleaning should always be done in a dust free environment.  Typically I get a piece of white paper and using a standard Nikon lens zoom in and look for dirt.  Of course this may have already shown up in your photographs as it did with mine. To clean I carefully remove the lens and use the cleaning kit air blower to gently clean the mirror area of the camera. I also give a quick blast of air to the lens glass where it attaches to the camera for good measure.  Usually this sorts out the problem however the brush included in the Cleaning Kit works well on more stubborn areas but any cleaning with a brush should be delicately done.

If this does not resolve the issue then it is perhaps time to seek professional help.  I have been lucky so far.

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